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di massimo marino

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Sono usciti due volumi dedicati a Giuliano Scabia: “Riga 47 – Scabia”, curato insieme ad Angela Borghesi e Laura Vallortigara, edizioni Quodlibet; e il primo volume del teatro completo di Scabia: “Teatro nello spazio degli scontri 1964-1971”, con la mia cura, Marsilio.


Lunedì 19 dicembre alle 17 presento il volume: “Scabia Teatro nello spazio degli scontri 1964-1971” al Piccolo teatro di Milano con Marco Belpoliti e Valentina Valentini

Presentazione libro

Il poeta d'oro


Teatro Tatà 28 gennaio 19.00
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Tabella dei Contenuti

Presentazione libro

Il poeta d'oro


Teatro Tatà
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Presentazione libro

Il poeta d'oro


Teatro Tatà
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This text briefly introduces visitors to your main services.

Service 1

A short description of the service and how the visitor will benefit from it.

Service 2

A short description of the service and how the visitor will benefit from it.

Service 3

A short description of the service and how the visitor will benefit from it.

Service 4

A short description of the service and how the visitor will benefit from it.

A Key Benefit You Want to Emphasize

Use this short paragraph to explain how you will deliver this benefit to the visitor if they decide to work with you.

Why Work With Us

benefit 1

A short description of the benefit.

benefit 2

A short description of the benefit.

benefit 3

A short description of the benefit.

benefit 4

A short description of the benefit.

An Example of a Previous Project

A short description of your company’s role in the success of the project.

Client Testimonials

“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
Client Name
“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
Client Name
“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
Client Name

Trusted By

This is a place to showcase the logos of some of your clients

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